
Euclide 7″

Who said that you cannot have a 7″ touch-screen tablet for your Studer Innotec devices?

Euclide Innovation provide a 7” touchscreen device for monitoring your Studer installation for Xtender series, with amazing graphics, icons and real-time information.

He also collects data every 5 seconds for providing useful information about your production and consumption in order to optimize the self-consumption and be aware of your loads!


GSM 3G Antenna will be soon dismissed worldwide for being replaced with 4G or 5G bandwhith.

Studer Innotec doesn’t offer a replacing solution of their Xcom-GSM based on 3G signal, for that reason most customers will lose access to Studer Portal if they do not replace the 3G modem with a new one.

openHABian for Studer

Mainly declared that building your solution from zero could require a lot of time and arduous work, especially if you’re new to this environment.

For that reason, Euclide Innovation, always focused on customer’s experience, has release a pre-packaged image of openHABian stable version integrated with Modbus Studer binding and a GUI built-in for your installation….

Modbus RTU over TCP/IP

One Xcom-485i and multiples devices able to get information from your Studer’s installation. Discover how to use and configure the Moxa NPort 5130A for connecting the Xcom-485i in your Local Area Network in order to using Modbus RTU Protocol over TCP/IP.

Studer & openHAB

Through the vision, Euclide Innovation has bring Studer’s devices compatible with openHAB, an open source, technology agnostic home automation platform which runs as the center of your smart home!

You can build your monitoring solution combining a full range of devices, based on a Raspberry! Read more…